Saturday, June 30, 2012






《美国之音》:悼念李旺阳 香港青年湖南遭暴力对待


叶林 29.06.2012










《自由亚洲》:悼李旺阳香港大陆人士分别被传唤 闽独立候选人被禁赴香港(组图)






Friday, June 29, 2012

网友 蟹农场 @hexiefarm 收集 #七一草泥马节‬ 图片

相册链接(Google Plus)

蔡淑芳 @sfchoi8964 部分推文 及 独立媒体报道







日期:六月廿九日(星期五); 時間:下午三時; 地點:香港九龍旺角道11號藝旺商業大廈 10/F


吴华英 @xinceng34:我眼里的朱承志大哥(多图)






Digests from Twitter

Brother Zhu, We Miss You

Ai Xiaoming @xiaocao07

Days ago, I learned that Zhu Chengzhi was detained as a criminal. I am very worried that he could face insane retaliation. This is a crazy age in a crazy space and time. The last message he sent me is regarding the detention of Li Wangyang’s sister. He hoped that we can support her. Soon after, he was also detained by the police.

I saw Mr. Zhu Chengzhi in a video clip of the three netizens case. In the video, he stood in the front of the parade and shouted with Ms. Wang Lihong: Free speech! Long live freedom! On August 12, 2011, I met him in face for the first time due to Ms. Wang Lihong’s first trial. The day before, I heard that Ms. Wang was going to have a trial and I traveled to Peking in a hurry. I was not sure whom to be met since many friends were under surveillance. Early in the morning at the east railway station of Beijing, I called a friend He Yang (also Lihong’s friend and a documentary producer) and asked him to pick me up. He Yang arrived with a thin and tall elder, Zhu Chengzhi. 
Zhu Chengzhi and He Yang at Beijing east station to pick me up. 8/12/2011

That morning we went to the detention center of Chaoyang district. We wanted to send money to Ms. Wang. But the police did not allow us and told us Ms. Wang did not need money. We know that other friends of Lihong sent her money often time. We went there to let her know: inside or outside of the detention center, we are all together. we also wanted to let the police know: you detained a respectful citizen. Such activity is injustice and violation of the constitution!
Zhu Chengzhi in front of the detention center of Chaoyang District 8/12/2011

That day we also went to the home of two sisters Ye Jinhua and Ye Jinchun. Both of them are rights activists in Peking. We interviewed Lihong’s lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan. In the evening, Brother Zhu, Tiantian and myself went to Lihong’s home. We cleaned Lihong’s rooms and discarded many rotten food in the fridge. I found the mooncakes that I sent in last mid-autumn were still there. She may want to save them and share with friends. Yet there was no opportunity. In 2011, many many sad things happened. (Remark, Ms. Wang was detained and lost freedom for about eight months in 2011).  

In the kitchen, Brother Zhu watered a plant. That was a yam. Lihong put it on a basel. In several months, it grew into feet long leaves. Brother Zhu said: these leaves contain many nutritions. When making the documentary, I thought about people like Lihong and Brother Zhu. They are just like yams, so simple so nice. Yet their hearts are full of compassion and strength. Facing unthinkable cruelty from the outside, they still give strength and meaning of life.

The second time I met Brother Zhu was on the night before Li Hong’s second trial. Lihong’s son Xiao Qi went to the airport to pick me up. We then waited and pick up Brother Zhu who also traveled to Peking through air. I dragged a luggage with video equipment with a broken handle. The handle was broken for long time. At Ye Jinhua’s home, Brother Zhu repaired the handle in several minutes. He was such a handy man! We all hurried to Peking via air upon learning the trial time. On Sep. 9, 2011 early morning, we arrived together at the WenYuhe courthouse of Chaoyang District. My heavy luggage was taken care by Brother Zhu. And he walked very fast. Brother Zhu said this is a piece of cake and nobody believed that he was already 60 years old. 
Outside the courthouse during Li Hong’s second trial. Lao Zhu and Xiao Qi.  
After the first trial: an accountant for Ai weiwei, Lao Zhu, Ai Xiaoming and a netizen from Shanghai

Twice I was with Brother Zhu at the courthouse during Lihong’s trials. In my documentaries “Let there be sunshine” and “post cards” , Brother Zhu can be seen. He talked with foreign media to prove that Wang Lihong did not violated any law at all. He and other friends including Zhao Lianhai cried out loud in front of the courthouse: Let Wang Lihong go home! No language is enough to describe Brother Zhu. Even you meet him for the first time, you know he is a long time friend no see. He is a friend that you can rely upon.

I did not meet Brother Zhu in face after that. I heard all his news from the internet. The day Lihong was sentenced, I had appointments and could not go to the courthouse. Brother Zhu went there and was detained by the police. Later on, he kept writing petitions to ask people support Li Wangyang.  In the past six months, my father got ill and I stayed at home to take care of him. Rarely did I get on the net and I did not reply the last message from Brother Zhu. I didn’t expect that after many years of torture as a political prisoner, Mr. Li wangyang was killed just after release! I signed my name on the petition letter proposed by Prof. Xia Yeliang of Beijing University et al to call for an investigation of his death. I want to pay my tribute to Mr. Li Wangyang’s spirit. I also want to support Mr. Zhu Chengzhi, a man I respect enormously.

Brother Zhu was once a successful entrepreneur. His property was illegally taken away and he became a petitioner and visited Peking for many years for his lawsuits. On the day of Lihong’s second trial, we went back from the courthouse. Lao Zhu said, next time he will invite many friends to Yunan. The place is enormously beautiful. Houses are enormously huge and everything you can see trees and plants. Before leaving Peking, Lao Zhu could not find his broken cell phone and tried very hard to find it. He purchased the cheapest railway ticket to go to Hunan province. It can be found that Lao Zhu was very thrifty at that time and he must have tough financial situation. Yet in order to catch the trial, he spent a lot to travel by air to Peking. On his way back, he had to tolerate the uncomfortable railway seat for long hours. In my impression, Lao Zhu was not only very thrifty on spending, he also ate very simple food. His own words are: just give me corn and pumkin.  

I hope to learn the good news about Brother Zhu. I hope he can eat Zong zi  for this dragon boat festival. Yet, after ten days detention, he was again sent to another detention house. I cannot be optimistic. At home, his 97-year old mother is expecting his release. His wife and two daughters are expecting his release …

I recalled the words of Lihong when she evaluated herself and her involvement of the three-netizen case: You Jinyou was punished by the police for his righteous action, then I can also be punished.

Right now, Zhu Chengzhi lost freedom and endangered his own life for his righteous action; tomorrow, we will pay the same price. The lost of freedom Zhu Chengzhi means that every one of us has lost freedom. One is too many!!!

Therefore, however plain my language is, I have to speak out. The police may never listen. Yet I wish my crying will be heard by Brother Zhu: Your friends are crying out loud towards the world:  Zhu Chengzhi is NOT guilty! Free Zhu Chengzhi!

video clips of the supporting group activities during the first and second trials of Wang Lihong:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

老虎庙 @24hour:好人朱承志

(编者注:这是老虎庙 2009 年的一篇博文,文中很多链接已经被删,包括朱承志的个人博客)

好人朱承志 / 老虎庙

2009-07-10 03:28 | 阅读(3846) | 标签: 朱承志, 流民, 救助, 慈善, 维权




北风的推 @wenyunchao


   “哥,他们砸门,门快砸坏了。是三个人,国宝。”丽红在电话那头大喊。是为公元2012年,六月十一日,18点20分。和我在一起的有张维、卢兄、李 宇、王超、幸兄。我大声告诉身边的朋友们,幸兄抢过电话,告诉丽红应该如何如何应对,其实又有什么用呢,法律在他们手里,“法律不是挡箭牌”。有司想怎么 搞就怎么搞。
   丽红妹妹热爱生活笃信主,学校毕业后一直当教师。身体很不好,坐车就昏。神经衰弱睡眠差。如此虚弱的体,奔波于隆回邵阳之间探望、照顾病中的旺阳老哥 哥。事实上,邵阳城外,第一个去探望出狱后的硬汉,就是黄丽红女士。(硬汉出狱后,有司规定有七条,其中核心的一条就是不允许外人去看旺阳!--“中国是 一个法治国家”)


Zhu Chengzhi: the Nirvana of the Phoenix

Author: Li Huaping (Norwegian Forest)

“My wife claimed that I have a 60 something’s age, 40 something’s body, and 20 something’s spirit”

About a year ago, during a banquet gathering, Zhu Chengzhi said the above words with a smile. He looked much proud. Before that event, we never met in face and only communicate through the internet.

Zhu Chengzhi, a father figure, a Chinese citizen, was born in Shaoyao City at Hunan Province in 1950. I also know that he is of the same age of Li Wangyang, the late activist and one of the China’s longest -serving political prisoners. Both Zhu and Li graduated from No. 4th Middle School of Shaoyang. If you meet Zhu in a street, he is one of the million ordinary elders of China. If you pay attention, you’ll notice this elder possesses wisdom.

Photo 1: Zhu protests at the gate of Yunan Province admin.

2012 Spring Festival, Guangzhou

Zhu Chengzhi speaks slowly. From the calm words, one can feel how firm his belief is. We chatted the inescapable fear: our land, air and water are all ruled by the only ideology. We agree that encouraging more and more people to overcome the fear is an important task. A most important task is that we should be role models. Through ourselves, we can encourage more people to overcome their fear and break silence. When talking about Li Wangyang’s sister Li Wangling, Zhu clearly stated that “The foremost important task for us is to help Wangling overcome her fear.”

I completely agreed  with his idea. It is of great insight. Li Wangling was sentenced three years of “labor and education” just because she helped her brother to fights for the rights of living by speaking to the foreign media after he was released from jail. The rulers crushed her, an apolitical woman,  by putting her into jail, banning her husband from a decent job, and confiscating their house. Nobody can be unfearful should he/she be treated the same way. (When Li Wangyang was released from the jail on May 5, 2011, Zhu Chengzhi traveled from Yunnan Provice to Shaoyang to pick him up from the jail. He and others arranged Li’s life after the prison and informed me immediately.)

Photo 2: Feb. 22, 2012 Changsha. from left: Zhu Chengzhi, Liu Xiaoyuan, “General Bao Jun”, Wei Zhongping, Liu Ping, Norwegian Forest, and Lin Hongnan.

Zhu said that just a few years ago ( before 2008), he should be counted as a standard tamed Chinese ordinary person, who has no other thoughts but following the Party’s words.

The change occurred due to a personal matter.

Zhu Chengzhi started a manganese mine at Funing, Yunan Province. Due to conflicts in terms of bringing funds to explore the mine with his business partners, he and his partners were involved into two law suits. In a civilized country with law abiding as the fundamental necessity, such suits are pieces of a cake. Matters can be solved by the verdicts of the court.

People in a lawless country are not that fortunate. The simple rights issue became a cruel game of torture with all parties involved. I listened to the case once and can feel the pain from both the plaintiff and the defendant caused by the unfair verdicts randomly reached by the court. To the court, this is just another game and chance to collect money. All involved in the case are victims and wasted their energy and money.

I have no intention to discuss and judge this lawsuit which lasts many years. All I wanted to say is, due to the dissatisfaction towards the verdict, both parties wasted enormous time and money. To date, there is no conclusion. Based on the “hidden rules”, Zhu Chengzhi has traveled to the capital to spend funds, establish connections and seek help. The other party did the similar things. After all, this is a case related to tens of millions of RMB.

Due to the case, Zhu Chengzhi became a petitioner in Peking and he was illegally detained for 40 days. The most miserable protest happened in the courtroom of Yunnan Province High Court: Zhu Chengzhi drank poisons for agriculture use upon hearing the verdict. All acts did not change the verdict because his opponent has more powerful economic and political support. The lawyer said frankly, whatever the case is, criminal or civil, there is no justice in the court. The winners of the lawsuits are the most powerful, always. From this case, we can observe the miserable life of Chinese ordinary people.

Jan. 28, 2012 Foshan, Guangdong Province

The pioneers of rights protesters are ordinary citizens whose rights were violated. Starting from his law suits, Zhu started to pay attention to the dark side of the society. From his own fate he started to care about others’ suffering. In the three netizens case of Fuzhou, Zhu told the court police: I am Chinese citizen Zhu Chengzhi; When Ms. Wang Lihong was detained and sentenced, Zhu traveled to Peking several time to show his support. In mainland China, you can always find this slim built elder who stood in the front.

When encountering the secret police, Zhu uses plain language and speaks calmly and patiently about common sense and facts. He told the secret police that the activists are working/expressing publicly with open hearts to make the society better. In such society, everyone including members who now serving secret police can live with dignity.

Each time I met Zhu, I would check how his lawsuit goes. After all, this relates to tens of millions RMB. Zhu Chengzhi said with coolness: Norway (that is what he called me), the lawsuit is no longer important to me. The most important is that I got to know you people. It is okay to say that because of this lawsuit, I know that life has more meanings. For me, this is the Nirvana of the Phoenix. I have got a rebirth.

Wang Lihong: What I know about Zhu Chengzhi

Author: Wang Lihong

Initial Impression 

62- year old Zhu Chengzhi is from Hunan Shaoyang.

The first time I met Zhu was in 2009. A netizen “Tiger’s temple” in Peking (he was forced to leave Peiking later and is now residing in Xi’an) posted on the net and proposed an activity to extend help to homeless people. The activity is called “let there be no people frozen to death”. Before that, every winter, there were homeless people frozen to death in Tiananmen square. Soon, a group of people in Peking started to donate money and materials to rent several rooms at a street in Daxing District to house these people. This group of people brought donations and gathered every weekend at the place - the camp.

One day, “Tiger’s temple” said there was a newcomer. While he was talking, a slim elder walked across the street. He was medium tall and stood straight. He wore a Chinese style jacket, a navy blue pant, and a pair of Chinese style black shoes. The most vivid characteristics: he has the “goat” style beards and he looked such a spiritual person! When he started to talk: oh, man, he was so talkative. He has Hunan accent. In a simple sentence, he’ll add many adjuncts: “yes or no”, “this is to say”, “ahhh....”, “right...”. And he talks super slow! all I wanted was to escape from such a speaker.

Lao Zhu was also fond of calling people and he never initiated hung up. And the talk was LONG. In the end, I was not only afraid of talking with him face to face but also afraid of picking up his calls. Yet, when Zhu was with me, he tried his best to be concise. Maybe he knew what I thought.

When Lao Zhu came to Peking, he left an impression that he was a rich man. One of the challenging tasks at that time was to collect funds for Xiao Zhang, who needed treatment for his legs. Lao Zhu donated 10K RMB. Another challenging task is to help homeless people support themselves. Lao Zhu lived closeby and he went to the camp daily. He did many tasks and looked for a hospital for Xiao Zhang. He lived in a motel costing RMB 30 Yuan daily. From his living condition, he was not rich at all -- no better than most of the petitioners.

I am a quiet person and was not a fan of talktive persons. Yet, the talktive Lao Zhu worked hard and silently and he won respects from all. 

Three-Netizen Case & Others

In the end of June and early July 2009, the three-netizen case occurred in FuJian. Lao Zhu heard about the stories of the three netizens. One of them,  You Jinyou, cared about public welfare and helped powerless people in many years. Three of them (You Jinyou, Fan Yanjiong, and Wu Huaying) spoke out for the mother of Yan Xiaoling (who was beaten to death by thugs) and were framed. Without any hesitation, Lao Zhu joined the group to support the three netizens.

On March 19 and April 16 2010, Lao Zhu went to the court at Mawei city in Fujian province to listen to the trial of the three netizens . On April 16, 2010, while waiting for the court decision with the support group, Lao Zhu patiently explained to the police officers in charge, helped them understand the case and won their trust. His calm and wisdom made the support activity smooth. While he heard the verdict that the three netizens were sentenced to jail for one or two years each, he cried so hard like a baby. At that time, I thought, Lao Zhu was sometimes the old and the wise, sometimes the young and the innocent.

In recent years, every April 29, Lao Zhu went to Suzhou in Jiangsu Province for the memorial service of Lin Zhao ( A Peking University student, sentenced to death and killed during the culture revolution for thought crime). He was “invited” to the police station twice. During the interrogation, Lao Zhu started his long talks. Finally, the police officers let go: Mr. Zhu, please, you can leave now. Guess what? Lao Zhu said: no hurry, I haven’t finished, yes or no? right? Let me make myself clear, this is to say ….

Lao Zhu:  Once a Business Man Now a Rights Activist

Lao Zhu was a co-owner of a mine in Yunan Province. Due to conflicts of financial interests with local officials, his property was confiscated. He sued and sued and the final verdict from the court was illegally changed by some powerful people. Lao Zhu was so furious and he protested at the High Court of Yunan Provice by drinking poisons. Lao Zhu asked me to write an article for him about his lawsuits. I was puzzled facing a huge stack of the documents. In the end, I could not have a clear clue of all the financial calculations and numbers. I never started to write the article. Now I am feeling sorry for Lao Zhu.

Lao Zhu is such an open-minded and selfless person. He no longer worries about his unsolved case. He had two lawyers: Liu Xiao Yuan and Lin Hongnan to represent himself. At the meanwhile, he kept working on public welfare. Many petitioners consulted him regarding laws, and he explained, analyzed and persuaded them for hours and hours.

Lao Zhu is also a tech savvy person who loves new techs. He was curious about internet, computer and Twitter. He can also drive a car. Most surprisingly, he can repair cars. According to Ar, when they drove for fun in Yunan province, the car broke. Ar can do nothing. Lao Zhu got it fixed in a short period. Friends call Lao Zhu “old kid” since he was so fun. 

Cry Out for Li Wang Yang

On June 6, 2012, at Lao Zhu’s hometown, Shaoyang of Hunan Province, an unthinkable crime happened. A former classmate of Lao Zhu’s, Li Wangyang, was said to commit suicide. Li was put into jail for 22 years due to his participation in the 1989 pro-democracy movement. After he was released from the jail in 2011, he lost his vision and hearing. He was sick and penniless. Lao Zhu has a warm heart. He went to visit his classmate. He chatted with him and called for donation.

In the morning of June 6, Lao Zhu and Li’s sister Li Wangling were called by the hospital and informed that Li committed suicide. The death was obviously anything like a suicide. Seeing an old friend hung on a window after 22 years of torture, Lao Zhu must have experienced furious storms in his heart.  Just two days ago, they were chatting happily. He was moved by his old friend’s spirit. He was thinking to bring his friend to Peking for treatment of hearing loss. Lao Zhu took photos and videos of the crime scenes and sent them to the net.

The death of Li Wangyang was reported widely by the world and intrigued furor in Hong Kong. Local police was furious and they controlled Lao Zhu and Li Wangyang’ family members. Lao Zhu was asked to write a letter to guarantee that he would be silent. If he signed the letter, the police would release him. Lao Zhu refused to do so and he was to be detained for 10 days and released on June 18. Yet after 10 days on June 18th, he was still not released. Lao Zhu’s wife was waiting outside the detention center for a whole day and she did not find Lao Zhu. The next morning, she was informed by the police that Lao Zhu had been sent to a different place.

There was no written notice. And his wife did not know what to do. 


Lao Zhu: you are out of the time. In this ridiculous land called China, being righteous is a crime. You have committed crimes for “speaking out”, “crying out”, “making videos”, “being righteous”, “making troubles for the government”, and etc.

Yet, today, facing the injustice, facing the evil, there are less and less “smart people” who remain silent, more and more “not so smart people” who speak out and overcome the fear. They may also bring danger to themselves. Every life is equal. Supporting each other with compassion is the basic meaning of our lives. Or else, we are living in hells eternally.

Zhu Chengzhi: in this country, being a man is a crime. Such is the value of the tyranny machine. Such is its soft power to be exported to the world. The tyranny machine crushes every one who dares to speak out and stand out. You are one of these “not so smart people”. Yet, there are more and more you kind of people. 

Lao Zhu: we are calling for your release. We are waiting for you. We are waiting to hear your long talks.